Stitching Term Glossary

I've created a glossary of commonly used stitching terms. If you can think of any to add please let me know! 

Acid free Mount A backing board which is often adhesive (so you can stick your fabric to it for framing). It doesn't contain acid which can damage the fabric. 
Aida Material which has holes in it, easy to use and comes in various sizes and colours. 
Anchor A company who produce skeins and kits.
Chat Pattern for your cross stitch.
Cross Stitch A method of stitching which involves crosses on fabric to create a picture. 
Daylight Bulb A bulb which simulates day light and is good for cross stitching after dark. 
DMC A company who produce skeins and kits. 
Evenweave Material with small holes, you work across two threads to create one cross stitch. 
Floss Another name for thread or silks. 
Functional Stitch Half a cross stitch. 
Frame A wooden square which is used to keep the fabric taught while you stitch. 
Gripper A new way of framing. You glue the gripper rods to your frame and stretch the work over it, no need for ironing. 
Hoop A wooden or plastic circle or square used to keep the fabric taught while you stitch. 
HPI Holes per inch in fabric - used to calculate the size needed. 
Kit A package which contains all the things you need to start cross stitching. Needle, material, threads, chart and instructions. 
Lacing The method of which you stretch your finished fabric to a board for framing. 
Madeira  A company who produce skeins and kits. 
Needle What you need to be able to thread your skeins through to begin to stitch. 
Perforated Paper Paper with holes to cross stitch through, very delicate. 
Photo Stitch Converting photos to cross stitch charts. 
Plastic Canvas Plastic material with holes like Aida fabric. 
Shade Cards Produced by companies like DMC. These show all the different shades of colours they make and you can convert these to other companies threads. 
Skeins A bundle of threads. 
Thread The cotton or silk that you use to cross stitch with. 
Three Quarter Stitch Half a cross stitch. 
Varigated Threads Threads which gradually change colour through the skein giving a shading effect. 
Waste Canvas Pin it to your t-shirt and stitch through both, then dab with water and remove the waste canvas using tweezers. 
Whole Stitch A complete cross stitch.